The Cisco VPN Client software enables one to access the Columbia University network while off-campus. In order to use VPN on your computer, please follow the following steps.
Install VPN Software
- Download the installer (required UNI login) You must download the installer for your version of Mac. Find your version by clicking the apple in the upper-left corner and selecting About This Mac.For Mac OS 10.7.x, iPhone and iPadFor Mac OS 10.6.xFor Mac OS 10.4.x - 10.5.xFor Mac OS 10.2.x - 10.3.x
- Save the installer to your hard drive, and make a note of the folder that you saved it in.
- Install using these instructions for Mac OS 10.2.x-10.6.x. For Mac OS 10.7.x, double-click the downloaded file (something like "Columbia_iOS_VPN_Profile.mobileconfig"). When you see the prompt to "Install CU vpn?", Click "Continue". Follow the prompts, and then enter your UNI and password. This sets up a VPN "profile."
Connect to VPN from Mac OS 10.2.x-10.6.x
- To connect, go to: Applications --> VPNClient. Select Columbia VPN and click the Connect button.
- Provide your UNI and password when prompted.
You can now access any resource that you could from an on-campus location.
Connect to VPN from Mac OS 10.7.x
- To connect, open System Preferences. Select Network from the "Internet & Wireless" section.
- Since you installed the VPN Profile, you should see a Columbia VPN option on the left. Select it.
- You should then see some connection credentials on the right pane. In the middle, click the Connect button. You may be prompted for your UNI password again.
You can now access any resource that you could from an on-campus location.
You should remember to disconnect after you are finished using your connection.
To disconnect from Mac OS 10.2.x-10.6.x, click on the VPN icon in the Dock. When the VPN Client window comes up, click the Disconnect button.
To disconnect from Mac OS 10.7.x, open System Preferences and select Network from the "Internet & Wireless" section, and click the Columbia VPN profile. On the right pane, click the Disconnect button.